Tuesday 30 April 2013

Evaluation Question 4

 How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages? 

The camera we used is the Canon Legria FS200. We got to grips with how the camera worked very quickly and developed are skills with it by using different techniques such as; zooming in and out, panning and also running with the camera. Also the good thing about the camera was that after we had filmed a clip we could watch it back. This was because of the small screen imbedded on the side of the pull out camera. Due to the fact we could watch it back it became easier to look at what had gone wrong in the clip so therefore we could shoot it again if we needed to.  The main downfall for this piece of technology despite its ease of use, was the camera quality. The picture was very poor, and lacked sharpness and tone, once we had edited clips together and exported it, the quality would become even worse. I feel that we would have had a better end result using a camera with a higher quality of film.

Also the Tripod we used was helpful in some ways, it helps us take shots from positions, we would not be able to, this was really helpful. However during our filming process the tripods were very light and flimsy, this made them prone to breaking, and this was quite a big problem if we were on location filming and it would have broke. So overall, although handy and useful, the fragile nature of them really hindered our filming process.

The website generator we used was a programme called "Wix". We felt this software was a really good piece of kit, it was very simple to use, and very clear on how to build our website page from scratch. This enabled us to very quickly place on our own design, and template and make the website very simple and easy to use for any consumer. Furthermore, once the website was completed the webpage was very quick, and if we needed to edit anything on the page, it could be done simply, and fast. Overall making this one of the most useful pieces of software for our Media product.

The software we used to edit our Music video together was Adobe Premiere Pro, my review of this software is a bit mixed. When first trying to use this software having never used it before, it is very hard to get to grips with. With no clear signs or symbols to indicate what you need, navigating through the menus becomes quite difficult. Also the programme has a tendancy to crash during work, which was very frustrating resulting in the loss of work during the process. On the other hand, once you get to grips with this software, and more importantly learn the vitals things you need to, it does get easier. Towards the end of our editing process I was able to quite quickly finish our Music video to a good standard adding in different, fades, transistions, and so on. So overall, at first difficult, once you learn the software it does become quite useful and lets you create a good finished product. 

Of course to create our blog we used the site Eblogger. Personally I thought this was very simple and easy to use, which really enalbed us to add any new posts very quickly. Furthermore having the ability to add in pictures, videos, and Prezi presenations really has really helped us try to attain the best possible result for our Media Product. Overall the vast range of tools on Eblogger has really helped us achieve the best possible result for our Media product.

Youtube has been very important for us, at the early stages of research youtube was vital in finding out what other videos look like. This helped us look for videos within our target audience, and our target genre. Also when we decided to change our initial idea we used Youtube to quickly browse through and gain some inspiration for a possible new idea for our Media product. Of couse at the end of the process we have been able to use Youtube to post our finished Music video, this has been very good as we have been able to recieve feedback on the video instantaneously. 

Another important element for our Digipak creation was Microsoft Word. Although it seems an unorthodox way to create our digipak, it was the simplest way. We could very easily create the template for our digipak, and then when adding pictures and text, change colours or fading. This was important to give us the best possible result when creating it. On the other hand, it did limit us slightly as it does not have the same array of editing option that Photoshop my have, so this was the only slight downfall on using the software. Overall a very useful piece of kit, that kept everything very simple and easy to use.

The final piece of software that we used was a site called Prezi. This was without doubt one of the best piece of software we have used during this process. The ability to create a fantastic presentation piece unlike no other has really helped us stand out. We have used it to create many presentation about several different elements during the process of our media. It is so easy to use, meaning that if we needed a presentation on short notice this would be the best way to do it. Overall, Prezi has been a really important part of our Media Product this year. 

Overall the products we have used have all had there pro's and cons, but most have really helped us in every phase of this years Media product.

Evaluation Question 3

Evaluation Question 2

Evaluation Question 1

Tuesday 23 April 2013

Evidence of Storyboarding

Here in this photo we can see just one of the slides of our storyboard that we used. This was vitally important because when we go to film, we have an exact idea of what we are trying to re-create, without thinking of it on the spot and therefore wasting valuable time.

This shot is where me and Gina walk away holding hands. We stuck to the this idea on the day of filming and it is used in our final video. It was important to have an understanding of how we would use this shot. With the Camera on a tripod, from a medium shot with the two characters walking away. All this has been vital in making our filming much easier.